Everything is Awesome, too

A few times today, I repeated, “Sorry, I was called in to work,” and after repeated previews, I have to wonder if The Maze Runner is a cinematic adaption for Minecraft, or the labyrinthine new IKEA store in Merriam as described by a coworker, who visited there Saturday:

“The whole thing is a giant maze. Unlike Nebraska Furniture Mart, where you can just go to ‘beds’ or ‘couches,’ you have to walk through the entire place. There ain’t but one way out, and you can’t just go in the door; you got to queue again to reenter. They have a sign, showed 13,000 people in there. I made three trips, and enjoyed my five hours! Later, to move thirty-five feet and leave the parking lot, took us forty-five minutes. There were fifteen accidents at Johnson Drive and Antioch, and fifty police cars with officers hanging their heads.”

“23 Am I a God at hand,
declares the Lord, and not a God far away?
24 Can a man hide himself in secret places so that I cannot see him?
declares the Lord. Do I not fill heaven and earth?
declares the Lord. (Jeremiah 23:23-24)” I want a cover of the new book planned to be a series of illustrationsVocaloid Fantasia | BEEK [pixiv]

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