Hey, What the Truck is This?

Kitto I must write a disclaimer about strong language to soon appear in this post.’

“In parliamentary procedure, suspension of the rules is a procedure in which a deliberative assembly sets aside its normal rules of order in order to do something that it could not do otherwise,” so let’s also dispense with the Word of the Day at Dictionary.com – cogitation: concerted thought or reflection.

At least if I had any friends,’ I would have Words With Friends, so don’t listen to just any old phoque, when I was recently replacing ‘too’ with ‘three,’ and almost used ‘Three Many Cooks,’ as a title.

Why ‘Team America’ Succeeds As Satire Where ‘The Interview’ Fails
“The ‘Let’s kill Kim Jong-un’ movie ‘The Interview’ has drawn inevitable, and not always favorable, comparisons to another movie that skewers North Korea, …”

Surprise, c—k-f—gs!”

World’s cartoonists are responding‘Je Suis Charlie’
“The safest way to know a social more does not exist is when an artist is praised for ‘testing the limits’ of that norm. The heroes of Charlie Hebdo were another story.”

“8 Blessed are the pure in heart,
for they shall see God. (Matthew 5:8)”
Ladies and gentlemen, stop Pinkie, Pinkie running up the aisle
Skipping through the Rain by Grennadder on DeviantArt

For those ten years, when Star Trek was airing on the United Paramount Network, and a Federation crew traveled into the present, whether 1996 Los Angeles (Star Trek: Voyager), or 2003 Detroit (Star Trek: Enterprise), they invariably chose to jack Ram Trucks. Captain Archer tells T‘Pol, as of 2003, humanity had known for thirty years that petroleum reserves would eventually run out. I‘ve similarly known for thirty days about a court date for a citation I received on December 8. Only today did I take time to discover the amount for any pending fines: $245. Tomorrow, ‘this dog will have his day in court,’ because he has no money to pay the ticket.

Yes, yes! ‘F—k you,’ too!

NatGeo to launch Neil deGrasse Tyson late-night talk show ‘Star Talk’ | EW.com
“The National Geographic Channel is getting into the late-night business by green lighting the network’s first-ever talk show, Star Talk, to be hosted by …”

Matt Damon.”

Kirby Delauter, Kirby Delauter, Kirby Delauter
“Knowing Councilman Kirby Delauter as we do, we weren’t surprised that he threatened The Frederick News-Post with a lawsuit because we had, he says — and we’re not making this up — been putting Kirby Delauter’s name in the paper without Kirby Delauter’s authorization. Attorneys would be called, Kirby …”

“Whenever creepy Joe Biden happens, ‘after whispering in little girl’s ear, VP awkwardly goes in for smooch,’ it seems like the media jump through hoops to whitewash the incident.”

Christmastide Bells are Ringing

In the next few days, we can observe the Word of the Day at Dictionary.com – Christmastide: time between Christmas and the New Year.

Xbox Live and PlayStation Network are having problems on Christmas Day
“Reports have been flowing in on Twitter today that Xbox Live and PlayStation Network — the online services connecting Microsoft’s and Sony’s game consoles …”

“14 Therefore the Lord himself will give you a sign.
Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a son,
and shall call his name Immanuel. (Isaiah 7:14)”
Happy Merry Christmas 2014 everyponyHappy Merry Christmas 2014 everybody by Luke262 on DeviantArt

Carolyn through the Night

Misheard Lyrics, otherwise known as mondegreen,” recall this title,
and the Word of the Day at Dictionary.com – viridescent: slightly green; greenish.

“21 For to me to live is Christ,
and to die is gain. (Philippians 1:21)”
This year is this or wonder after allThank you for 1000 Watchers by 30clock on DeviantArt

Here’s Where You Can See ‘The Interview’ on Christmas
“In case your Grandma wants to stick it to North Korea.”

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