Summary of Improv Goals 026

At the Ecumenical Christian Ministries building in Lawrence on Friday, I am in all of the sets! Here are directions on Bing, if take you K-10. Because John has a prior set at the Kansas City improv Festival, our show will start an hour later, at 9:00 p.m.Source: Bronies via Rarity Is Mouse by ~Taskidog on deviantART

My new manager started about a month ago, and she was quite surprised to learn someone as quiet and meek as I generally am at work,takes to the stage to do improvisational theater.

I’ve learned that improv, like your girlfriend, isn’t always easy.

Source: Lyra (Friendship Is Tragic) via
A present for Bon Bon by ~LVGCombine on deviantART

Clint Eastwood Addresses The 2012 GOP Convention
“Actor and director Clint Eastwood addresses the 2012 Republican National Convention in Tampa, Florida.”

OK OK OK, one of the best thingsaboutbeing friends with Denton, our political views are essentially the same,“Bagpipe and Kazoo Serenade,”and he suffers no fools. The performance of Eastwood, a timewhen I found so much win, was quickly lampooned and marginalized by the liberal media so sycophantic to this president. Someare evenEast-wooding.’ Have they, they not been warned?

The Dangers of Memeing (Season 16, Episode 3) – Video Clips
“The class watches an educational film on the deadly consequences of memeing.”

Many friends in the improv community are very liberal, and two of my friends commented how the speech would befunimprov. In this instance, I agree with them, because the speech was improvised. In Egocentric Universe: You can walk or deny 020, I mentioned that Bloomberg and the ACLU defended Chick Fil A, so support can come from the most unlikely sources.

Bill Maher Defends Clint Eastwood, ‘He Did a Bit With Just an Empty Chair and Killed’
“Breaking with nearly every liberal commentator, comedian Bill Maher defended Clint Eastwood’s offbeat speech at the Republican National Convention on his HBO show Friday, saying he ‘did a bit with just and empty chair and killed it’– without a teleprompter no less. Maher wondered why so many…”

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